Thursday, January 27, 2011

There is a book called One Thousand Gifts written by a lady named Ann who has a beautiful and meaningful blog.

I pray that the Lord will continue to use the truths I've learned there to be planted deep!

I'm starting my own list of One Thousand Gifts here! I pray I stick to it. I need it!

1. Copy Cats

Last night Alonzo was trying to tell me of a blessing a friend of his received. Ayden was on silly mode and for the very first time began to mock everything he said.

Exactly as he said it. Only . . . in her 4 year old precious voice!

We laughed hard

. . . and inwardly I felt a pang of sadness that I wouldn't be able to hear her voice that way forever.

2. My life.

In all it's craziness, noise, and mess. It's MY life! My daily gift from my Father. Full of less obvious joys just waiting to be noticed.

3. The Help! lol.

Her own version of table cleaning. :)

4.This blog. It is a quiet spot in my crazy days.

. . . and an inspirations to creatively write.

5. Progress.

I had no idea my boy could write so well. and this during non-school hours.
I was so proud!
6. Pancakes with whipped cream for lunch. Simple, quick, & yummy!

7. The Sovereign Lord my shelter! Psalm 73:28

O where would I be without Him. His blood has washed away my sins.
The wrath of God...that should be mine...He took, and now He calls ME beloved!


8. This man! and this our date night!!

9. Fun time with my girl.

We thought we were cute. So we posed :)

Yes this is the same day she went to the bathroom to check her hair!

In Gratitude,



giống đại thử said...

I love this post Mrs. Brown! It was very heart-felt and I could almost hear you sharing it! (hugs)

These Three Kings said...

Beautiful post! praying your 1000 Gifts RADICALLY change your life (as you want them of course) :)
thanks for sharing!